суббота, 7 декабря 2013 г.

for foreign customs part 3


                                                      for foreign customs

Often it is not only the buyer can not clearly explain the difference between plastic , plastic and PVC windows . This is due to lack of awareness in the construction and manufacturing terminology. So it turns out that getting a window so users do not know from what is material is made of a profile window.

Actually made ​​of metal and plastic and PVC profiles are made of the same material. So why do they have different names ? After all, it creates a lot of confusion .

PVC windows are made of polyvinyl chloride , which applies to complex synthetic polymers , and simply put, is popularly called plastic. That is why they are also called plastic windows - but because " PVC windows " - sounds good and tempting.

As for plastic windows , it's you the same plastic windows , namely PVC windows . A prefix "meta - " appeared due to the fact that the window profiles of plastic have been used metal amplifiers in order to increase the rigidity and strength of the whole window design http://xn----7sbbanm5anmhb.xn--p1ai/metalloplastic.html

In the construction market firmly entrenched different names for the same product. As a rule , the importance of names and incomprehensibility attach greater importance items. The most popular vendors profile for windows today - or firm Rehau profiles Veka. But in order to understand the not so simple question , you can simply call our office and our managers will help you make the true test selection .

for foreign customs part 2

Our ancient city of St. Petersburg is beautiful and unique. Its beauty inspires writers and poets , painters and artists . And even cranky and cold climate can not spoil the impression of the museum under the harsh northern sky .
Very many citizens , protected from the cold and noise of the city , set in their homes plastic windows with double glazing . Difficult to find a building in which would not find at least one modern window PVC. This was possible because the price of double glazing today is not so high , what they were ten years ago .
Many window companies offer double glazing in St. Petersburg , in various ways, praising their goods. We want to help our visitors to find their way in selecting the right windows with quality components, and tell what glazing whose price depends directly on their quality. In this section you can find a lot of interesting information that will undoubtedly be useful to everyone who is interested in PVC windows .

ImageOsnovoy modern windowing system is a window. Simple glass used for glazing , can not meet the strict requirements that apply to construction materials . Essentially window represents several (two , three or more) of glass, which are a special frame. The ends of the glass sealed and inside a cavity filled or especially dry air or inert gases. This gives UPVC unique properties that allow you to provide excellent heat and sound insulation .

Serial production of glass began in 1934 , in Germany, almost a hundred years after the issuance of the first patent for their production . Originally glazing used to osteklyat wagons.

Modern windows are made by double sealing . Remote frame (this may be the profile of aluminum or galvanized steel profile) coated with butyl sealant. Inside the frame is a unit, i.e. a substance that is capable of absorbing moisture.

SteklopaketyNa glass frame set and edges are sealed with sealant. The air inside the chamber is dewatered by dehumidifier, because the occurrence of condensation inside the glass is excluded. UPVC to give additional useful properties , it is filled with inert gases , using specially intended for this hole in the frame corners. Glazing insulation qualities can be improved by filling it with argon (Ar) and krypton (Kr), and is responsible for the sound insulation of sulfur hexafluoride (SF6).

Depending on the amount of air chambers meet chamber glass having two glasses and two-chamber , that is, with three windows. It happens more cameras . Sometimes instead of the internal double-glass windows fitted with plastic film. Decorative elements are located both inside and outside.

i- stekloSteklo profile and have different values ​​of thermal expansion , because the installation is sealed into the fold expansion gap and used specially made lining. These pads can be supporting , that is to transmit the weight of glass covers, fixing and to provide proper alignment and prevent displacement . The method determines the suspension sash windows option mounting pads .

Sealed properties can be improved by using a special film for various purposes.


пятница, 6 декабря 2013 г.

For foreign customers part 1

                                      For foreign customers part 1

Optimal decision to choose PVC windows
Who of us does not want to be in the apartment was always warm and comfortable , and the street noise did not break the silence ? Need for comfort at all about the same , which is why fiberglass windows so quickly won the love of virtually all Russians , and every year their popularity grows.

Modern technologies allow to receive window design any configuration, with any characteristics. You can choose color or transparent glass , coated with a special protective or armored . You can even order a PVC profile color indistinguishable from the wooden frame . Blinds on the windows of various shades and styles perfectly complement the overall picture. In this regard , modern windows in St. Petersburg , made of metal allow to implement any design ideas and wishes of customers.

Our activities
Priority activities of the company \ \

manufacture of window designs of PVC profile ;
sale of plastic windows;
glazed plastic windows of balconies and loggias ;
insulation and recovery slopes;
setting nets .
We are ready to carry out a full range of activities, ranging from measurement and ending with the finishing work .

Free measuring and matching window configuration
Once you have applied to our company to you comes zamerschik that free make all the necessary measurements and windows will help you determine the most appropriate configuration of PVC windows. Based on the measurements , the manager tells you which profile to choose, what would be required components and accessories , as well as give additional accessories that will provide maximum comfort during operation installed windows. After this a plan and specify the exact price of plastic windows in St. Petersburg. This step is very important because after installation of plastic windows is complete , correct configuration window will be practically impossible . Therefore it is necessary to immediately determine their desires and needs.

Dismantling and installation of PVC windows
Before you start the installation of the new window , you must completely remove the old window opening of the structure. Our craftsmen carry dismantling free and extremely fast. Immediately after removing the window is fully delivered ready to install a new plastic window. It should be noted that according to statistics , the majority claims that the company was prepared plastic windows , deals specifically with the illiterate installation of windows , which is why there are numerous problems with the new windows. So do not skimp on the installation , subsequently had to think about that adjustment is necessary plastic windows or puzzle over why the sweat box. Experts of our company will replace windows in St. Petersburg professionally, quickly and at a reasonable price .

Fit and finish of plastic windows
At the final stage of the installation works on the fit and finish of the windows . Regulated fittings for plastic windows , installed additional accessories verified sealing windows. That's all work is finished , you can hang the curtains on the windows and enjoy the peace and comfort !

Plastic windows for producer prices , installation and replacement of PVC windows in St. Petersburg . Please contact us , you will find high-quality plastic windows in St. Petersburg , the prices of which will surprise you

воскресенье, 1 декабря 2013 г.

Ошибки при установке окон

Окно слишком близко к внешнему краю стены поставлено, т.е. находится в "холодной" зоне стены.
За счет этого подоконник широкий получился, что хорошо.
Возможно, но так стояло и "родное", специально никто никуда его не выносил! Подоконник и был широкий, но не накрывал радиатор. Я же при заказе попросил удлинить его на 10 см, вот и накрыло радиатор..
Но откосы вблизи рамы холодные, что плохо. Из-за большой ширины подоконника врезанные в него решетки оказались неэффективны, они по идее должны выходить практически под створки.
Конденсат по периметру стеклопакетов, по краям створок нет!!!
Стеклопакет однокамерный, что тоже приводит к более низкой температуре внутреннего стекла, по сравнению с двухкамерным.
Стеклопакет двухкамерный (понимаю, на фотках не видно, но камер ДВЕ, т.е. три стекла=две камеры)
Возможно уплотнительные резинки с наружной стороны стеклопакета неплотно прилегают к стеклу (что маловероятно, но теоретически возможно, что где-то замялись). Возможно, створки неплотно прижимаются к раме и продуваются (устраняется регулировкой прижима).
проверено отрегулировано!!!
Возможно, монтажные швы выполнены неправильно  и их в конечном итоге стало продувать из примыканий откосов и над подоконником (тут только по теплу можно исправить и связано это будет с переделкой откосов).

Для начала проверить и отрегулировать прижим створок к раме. Проверить ровность уплотнений, отсутствие разрывов. Загерметизировать стык рамы и подоконника.
Все сделано
Нормализовать вентиляцию (например, установкой приточных клапанов).
Вот это хочу сделать. Есть опыт?
Не подскажете?
Поставить двухкамерные стеклопакеты, или по желанию, с изотермическим стеклом.
Если не поможет, то расковыривать откосы, снимать подоконник, переделывать монтажные швы.
 Откосы сделать из сэндвич-панели.